Friday, December 31, 2021



   And here we are, one year is coming to a close and another waiting to unfold.

    What was 2021 like for me and my art practice? My days, as a parent of two still young kids (6 and 11) are always filled with action, and I often need to make decisions and do things quicker than my personal inclination would be, had I the luxury to have it my way. But then again, who has that luxury? I am a slow paced soul, I like to reflect and set aside time at the end of each year to look back and see where I was and where I got.
So here it goes, a shorter version than I might like, but something, nevertheless. And something is better than nothing.
    In spite of the still ongoing pandemic I was happy to participate in two great exhibitions:

I debuted my work with twelve watercolors at Olson-Larsen Galleries (Des Moines, IA) in "Dreamland", a four artist exhibition (featuring work by Naomi Friend, Jane Gilmor, Jeanine Coupe Ryding, Ken Smith, and myself, in April and May 2021.)
    ..from the introduction to the show: "Dreams are ephemeral and elusive. Much like washes of watercolor, words in a passing conversation, moments caught on film, and nearly endangered species. The artists in Dreamland are dealing with fleeting feelings, shapes, colors, ideals, ambitions, and strength in one dream.".

    In September/October /November I showed seven of my watercolors in "Winds of Change", another four-artist exhibition (with Helen Gotlib, Ahavani Mullen, Allison Svoboda and myself) at gallery 1871 in Chicago. I love the tranquil feeling of all the pieces in this show. They are, each in its own voice, deeply connected with nature, and are tied with subtle lyricism.

    In 2021 my work was covered in several online and print publications: I was contacted by Mark Walton of the Covert Collective ("a gathering of visual art curators from across Canada, sharing the work of artists they love, and work that inspires them. Digitally platformed and branded as curated. the ad hoc group celebrates the artists and work that makes them think"). Mark discovered my work on Instagram, and was inspired by my pandemic mark making sketchbooks. He wrote a beautiful essay about my work titled "In One Breath".

    In connection to my practice during the pandemic times I was also featured on Hyperallergic's website in "A View from the Easel During Times of Quarantine"

    I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I got listed on "Women Artists to Watch", among 60 women artists from around the globe. Since Artsy features works by 150,000 artists globally, making it to a list of "60 women artists on the rise" (as Artsy states!), is pretty exciting.

    My work was also published in the "In Her Studio" publication, with a 7-page story titled "Making my Mark". It was fun walking into a nearby Barnes and Noble, picking up the current issue and flipping through the pages featuring my work.

    In November,
during the Giving Tuesday, I decided to put two of my small Origin Aqueous watercolors for bidding on Instagram, in an effort to raise funds for the local Mooseheart Child City and School. I am grateful my artwork has the power to help children in need, and that in just a few hours I was able to raise $750 for a great cause.
    Looking forward to 2022, I already have several shows scheduled (solo exhibition "Inner Wanderings" here locally at Geneva Arts Center in January/February 2022 and a spring/summer exhibition at Walker Fine Art in Denver), with a few others that are in the making.

Lastly; I am truly grateful that another year in my life was filled with what I love doing the most - my art practice. I am ever so grateful to my family, my galleries, collectors, and followers, and all the amazing supporters of my artistic practice. Some of you are making sure I have the time to create, some of you are taking care of the sales, some are passionate about collecting my work, and some of you just inspire me with your acts of kindness - with your words of inspiration and love. Thank you!

Here is to a fulfilling year ahead of us!


"Dreamland" exhibition at Olson-Larsen Galleries (images above)

"Winds of Change" exhibition at gallery 1871 (images above)

Studio Views above- images courtesy of Indigo Skye Photography